Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Taps and the City

So I turned on "TAPS" on FMC because I wanted to catch the scene that is used in the Scene It board game. What I found out while watching was that--brace yourself--Harry Goldenblatt once had hair! I know! Oh, and that was also 28 years ago. Quite the career, I'd say, Mr. Handler.

For the uninitiated, Harry Goldenblatt is Charlotte's husband, in "Sex and the City."

I'm still working on a screenshot of him in "TAPS," but I'll get it posted once I get one.

Actor: Evan Handler
Previous work: "Sex and the City" and "Californication"
Fun(ny) fact: He used to have hair. Who knew?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Most Annoying Sound in the World: Oh!

Somebody says yous need protection. Dat true?

No, no. Well, kind of... I'm confused. So, you are a hitman, but you are offering protection to me while I stock this convenience store fridge with Miller lite?

Still confused. Oh, well. You wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? And follow that up with some hot peppers?

Actor: Mike Starr
Commercial(s): Miller Lite Taste Protector Cap thingy
Previous work: "Dumb & Dumber" and "Life on Mars"
Fun(ny) fact: I once saw him and his lady friend (wife, maybe?) coming out of the spa area in the Nordstrom building on Michigan Avenue in Chicago

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Gooch says Go Meat!

But, of course, she is playing a ukulele while saying "Go Meat!" Do you think she was talking about Ted (from "Scrubs") when she was thinking of meat? My guess is no, but she was his love interest, so anything is possible.

Actress: Kate Micucci
Commercial(s): Hickory Farms "Go Meat"
Previous work: "Scrubs" and "Rules of Engagement"

Aaaannnnd we're back!

That headline has no effect unless you read it in a highly caffeinated radio DJ's voice.

It's been a while. And we totally missed the fact that there are now more than 100 postings on this here blog.