Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chester Cheetah Gone Bad

Chester Cheetah received a makeover (he's now a puppet) and became a troublemaker. Not that he wasn't a little crazy in the first place, but now he's encouraging Cheeto-related catastrophes. Case in point: the handful of Cheetos in the dryer.

The Felicia in this commercial is actually named Felicia. Felicia Day, to be exact.

Actress: Felicia Day
Commercial(s): Cheetos Orange Underground - Laundromat (see above)
Monk episode: "Mr. Monk Gets Drunk"
Previous work: "The Guild" (appears online) and "Bring It On Again"
Fun(ny) Fact: Felicia's show, "The Guild," gets a short write-up in the most recent issue of Script magazine.

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